Dental implants are in a class of their own when it comes to replacing missing teeth! These awesome implants are able to perfectly restore lost pearly whites, and many patients have turned towards them—in fact, the American Dental Association claims that over five million dental implants are placed annually in the US! However, there are still some odd rumors and myths floating around about these implants that sometimes deter people from receiving them! Keep reading as we debunk five of the most common myths and misconceptions about dental implants.
Myth #1: They’re Only for Older People
Anyone can lose a tooth, no matter how old they are. Whether it’s from physical trauma, poor oral hygiene, or some other health condition, missing teeth is a serious problem that can impact the look and functionality of your smile. Fortunately, anyone with good oral health and a strong jawbone is eligible for dental implants, not just older people. While teenagers must typically wait until they’re 18 or so, there’s no upper age limit at all!
Myth #2: They’re Noticeable
Dental implants look identical to your natural teeth and blend in seamlessly with your smile—so they’re noticeable in the sense that people will admire your dazzling new teeth, but they won’t be able to tell that you have implants unless you let them know! Other forms of tooth restoration treatment, like bridges or dentures, can sometimes be very noticeable.
Myth #3: Getting Them Hurts
Some people become nervous at the prospect of having any sort of procedure, but when it comes to dental implant surgery, you have absolutely nothing to fear! You might feel some pressure during the actual procedure, but your teeth and gums will be numb from an anesthetic. You won’t feel any pain at all—in fact, most patients are surprised by how comfortable the process is.
Myth #4: They’re Expensive
Depending on your coverage and benefits, dental implants might be much cheaper than you think! Although they might be initially higher in cost than other treatments, they’re quite the long-term investment and become very cost effective as time goes on. They can also save you money down the road by preventing certain dental problems from developing in the first place!
Myth #5: They Come with Dietary Restrictions
You’ll have to be careful about what you eat for the first few days after getting dental implants, but this is simply to allow the surgical sites to heal. Once that’s done, you can pretty much eat whatever you want! However, it’s always wise to stick to a healthier diet to prevent the growth of oral bacteria.
Don’t be fooled by these myths and misconceptions; dental implants are an incredible tooth-replacement option that can completely change your smile and life. If you’re curious about receiving them, don’t hesitate to speak with your dentist about your eligibility.
About the Author
A native Texan herself, Dr. Sheri McIntosh proudly serves patients and families in the Fort Worth area. Dr. McIntosh received her dental doctorate from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and is a member of several professional organizations including the American Dental Association and the prestigious Academy of General Dentistry. Her practice is pleased to offer many available services including dental implants. If you have any questions about dental implants or would like to schedule a visit, feel free to reach out online or over the phone: (817) 337-8300.