Knocked Out Tooth? An Emergency Dentist Explains What To Do!

July 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 10:41 am
Someone holding a knocked out tooth before seeing an emergency dentist

Have you ever had a bad dream where you’ve lost a tooth? If so, you’re not alone – dreams like these are surprisingly common. Unfortunately, knocking out a tooth in real life is fairly common as well! If this happens to you or a loved one, it’s critical to act fast and call an emergency dentist right away. Then you can use the first-aid tips in this blog to manage your knocked out tooth until you arrive for treatment. In the event that your tooth can’t be saved, you’ll also learn why dental implants are an ideal way to restore your smile!


Wondering About Social Distancing At the Dentist? Learn More Here!

May 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 10:24 am
Smiling man in a blue shirt at the dentist

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, we’ve learned that social distancing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the virus from spreading (especially since it can be transmitted before people show symptoms). But what about when you or a family member need to see a dentist? You’ll be glad to know that social distancing can still be used to minimize your contact with others while you get the treatment you need to maintain your smile. Keep reading below to learn more!


Dentist Recommends the Best Toothbrushes and When To Replace Them

April 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 4:10 pm
Man and woman brushing their teeth with tips from a dentist

If you want fresher breath, healthier gums, and fewer cavities, brushing your teeth at least twice a day is a must. Along with brushing for two minutes and using good technique, the toothbrush itself is also important. One common question people ask their dentist is, “Which toothbrush is best and how often should I replace it?” In this blog, you’ll get the information you need to brush effectively and keep your smile in great shape. Learn more below! 


Seeing a Dentist During COVID-19? Strict Sanitation Protocols Will Keep You Safe

March 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 9:41 pm
Dentist performing an exam on female patient

Dental offices have long been required to practice stringent infection control. And with the recent development of the COVID-19 crisis, that’s become even more important. While you may feel concerned about being exposed to the virus if you need to see a dentist now, rest assured that a dental office is one of the cleanest places you could be! Keep reading below to find out how dentists sanitize their offices to keep you and your family safe – now and always. 


4 Tips From a Dentist To Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy During COVID-19

March 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 9:26 pm
A family smiling after seeing the dentist

In recent weeks and months, COVID-19 has turned life upside down for people all over the globe. Now, many adults are self-quarantining at home, along with their kids who aren’t going back to school anytime soon. With the structure of a typical day gone, it’s easy for anyone to let their oral hygiene routine lapse, especially children. And when you combine that with the close proximity of your refrigerator, it’s also easier to snack all day. The last thing you want is for your child to need extensive work from a dentist when this is all over, so how can you keep their smile healthy? It’s easy – use the following 4 tips! 


Are Puffy Gums an Emergency?

February 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 11:11 am
Smiling man in a blue shirt at the dentist

When it comes to your dental health, it can be hard to know if you’re having an emergency or not, especially since certain symptoms can mean different things. Puffy gums are a great example: In some cases, you should get immediate care, while in others, you can wait. Having said that, it’s always a good idea to call a dentist if you notice puffy gums. That way, you’ll know what the source of the problem is and how to address it so you can maintain a healthy smile. Learn more below! 


Is Invisalign a Good Choice For Adults With Minor Alignment Issues?

February 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 5:10 pm
Woman with brown hair seeing a dentist for an Invisalign consultation

Today, more and more adults are investing in their oral health and appearance with orthodontic treatment. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists reported that the number of adults in braces increased by 40% between 1989 and 2012. But what about Invisalign? Busy professionals are understandably hesitant to spend years in brackets and wires and are commonly interested in this clear alternative to braces. Keep reading to find out why a dentist may recommend Invisalign for adults and how the process works!


How Does Teeth Whitening Work and Can It Cause Sensitivity?

January 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 3:07 pm
Two photos of before and after teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. It makes a big difference in the way your smile looks for a relatively small investment of time and money. But you may have heard that whitening can cause sensitive teeth or feel concerned about its impact on your oral health. Below, you’ll find out how teeth whitening works and why it causes temporary sensitivity in some people but not others. You’ll also get tips to alleviate sensitivity so you can have the beautiful results you want as comfortably as possible. 


If a Toothache Goes Away, Do You Still Need To See a Dentist?

December 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 6:05 pm
Woman in dental chair touching her cheek

Understandably, no one wants to see a dentist unless they really have to. But while you would clearly schedule a visit if you’re in pain, what if you have a toothache that comes and goes? Or one that flares up for only a day or two and then goes away entirely? It may be tempting to chalk this up to good luck and consider the problem solved. But, in this blog, you’ll find out why a “disappearing toothache” could actually be a serious problem and why seeing an emergency dentist is still essential. Keep reading below to learn more! 

Why Would a Toothache Go Away? 

Some toothaches have ongoing symptoms that don’t go away until they’re treated. Other toothaches are more “random” and may only flare up for a short time. Here are some possible reasons for toothaches that seems to go away on their own: 

  • Mild toothaches – In some cases, tooth pain is caused by gum recession, where the gums pull back and expose the sensitive root of the tooth. This is usually fairly mild and may even improve over time on its own. Another potential cause for pain that comes and goes is a small cavity that’s only starting to be symptomatic. 
  • Moderate to severe toothaches – If you have moderate or severe pain, it’s usually a sign that the nerve of your tooth is badly inflamed or infected. This can occur from a cavity or some type of trauma to the tooth. If this type of toothache goes away, it’s typically because the nerve of the tooth has “died” or been destroyed by the infection, which is why the pain goes away. But the infection is still there and can lead to serious problems if it isn’t treated. 

The Importance of Seeing a Dentist, Even If a Toothache Goes Away 

If the nerve of a tooth has died, but an infection is still there, the infection will continue spreading and destroy the bone that surrounds the root. This may make an extraction necessary, along with additional treatment to replace the missing tooth such as a dental implant, bridge, or partial denture. Even worse, it can spread to other areas of the body such as the brain and become dangerous or even fatal. 

Simply put, any type of tooth pain is an indication that something is wrong. To determine if the problem is minor or serious, you must see an emergency dentist for an evaluation, diagnosis, and possible treatment. Although the pain may have subsided, you’re always better off safe than sorry, especially with the potential consequences of not getting treatment!

About the Author 

Dr. Sheri McIntosh is a general and emergency dentist with more than 15 years of experience and also a native of north Texas. She doesn’t believe in taking chances with her patients’ health and always encourages people to have a toothache checked out, even if their pain has gone away. If you have a toothache that’s come and gone or have any questions, you can contact Dr. McIntosh via her website.

Emergency Dentist Discusses Symptoms and Solutions For Toothaches

December 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — disting_user @ 8:50 pm
Distressed man holding his cheek in pain

The symptoms from a toothache can vary from person to person. But one commonality people experience is wanting to get out of pain ASAP. Especially if the discomfort is so bad that you can’t eat, sleep or go to work. If you have a toothache, the first thing you should do is call an emergency dentist. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay in pain until your appointment! Keep reading to learn about common symptoms from toothaches and get some helpful tips for staying comfortable while you’re waiting to be seen. 

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