If You’re Traveling This Summer, You Should Get Your Checkup First Before Jetsetting

May 29, 2015

Get a dental checkup before jetsetting.

Summer is officially here and you know what that means…everyone and their dog is about to go on summer break. School is out and families everywhere are taking advantage of the time off by traveling all over the world. We love vacations and take them all of the time, but we also know how important it is to keep your oral health in peak condition throughout these next few months. Temptation will be everywhere in the form of food and other tasty goodies. We’re not saying you shouldn’t eat them, just be aware of the impact they may make if you have too much. It’s all in moderation, as we say. We recommend scheduling a checkup first so you can enjoy the remaining months worry-free. Our office in Keller, TX wants you to know that this is one of the most joyous times of year for families because there is no school. But, before the school year ramps back up and now that vacation-mode is officially turned on, it’s time to take care of your teeth.

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